Wednesday, July 23, 2014

What have I done..

Every once in a while life has a way of working all of it's stuff out, a hidden truth uncovered, a deception revealed, lies exposed. Even when things are done with the best intentions, the right thing is what needs to be done. Taking matters into your own hands are unacceptable. You may think you are doing the right thing by protecting someone but in the end your only causing more pain. 

I wanted to save someone from hurt and pain in the end I only caused more. In the end I only made it more painful and more hurtful then if I would have just told them from the start things would have still been painful but not nearly painful as it is now. 

How do I fix it now?? How do I make it better?? How do I heal the wounds? How do I come to terms and help the other come to terms with what was done.  

Everything that I though, everything I told myself was absolutely wrong. My heart is having such a hard time grasping the gravity of what I caused.. 

But I will make it better I will work to restore faith and I will work to prove that I am what they believed in.. 

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