Sunday, March 4, 2012

Take a deep breath

One day it will all make perfect sense as to why we go through what we go through. For now its just managing to get through day by day.  The Dr tells us when we go for a check up deep breath in now let it out, and throughout our busy day how often do we take that refreshing deep breath? I know for me its not very often. However there is something about that deep breath that is so refreshing and relaxing and fulfilling, its like so much melts away with that one breath. Breathing is not something we think about doing its just something that happens, just like love. We don't choose to love it just happens. You need to breathe to live and to live you need to love. Our lungs and our hearts are two of the most vital organs in our body, both keep us very alive. Somehow even when our hearts are broken they continue to work, they continue to love, they continue to beat. I don't know how it happens but it does.  That deep breath just helps..